Wednesday 21 December 2011

ICE HOTEL - Jukkasjarvi

Ice hotels represent one of the most unique travel experiences you can have, as many of the hotels have to be rebuilt from scratch every year. 

Sweden’s Jukkasjarvi village is home to ICE HOTEL, the world’s first ice hotel.

Built each year from December to April, the hotel features a bar, church, main hall, reception area, and enough rooms and suites for 100 guests.




Each room contains blocks of ice sculpted to resemble chairs and beds and each room is slightly different, making the Ice hotel a truly unique experience..

Sleeping in real fur blankets on bed carved from blocks of ice might not be for everyone, but it is an experience you will never forget.

They decorate hotel suite on based on different themes on different below image is based on Tron legacy theme..

Dragon den art theme suite:

Its many enchanting qualities have made Ice hotel one of the Seven Wonders of Sweden and it is worth a visit for anyone who wants an adventure.
Staying at ICEHOTEL is an experience utterly unlike other hotel stays.

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